Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Deathbowl To Downtown Premiere NYC

JR Cronheim...On the bus

Obed Rios & Sneaker Pimp

R.B. Umali

Obed Rios, Bruno Musso, Bill Thomas

Jeff Pang

Rodney Torres mugging for FuelTV

Bruno Musso & Paparazzi

Jay Henry & Puppethead

Jeremy Hendersen

Jim Murphy & Joey Tershay

Dave Ortiz

Chris Keefe

Rodney Smith...One good Knee, two good phones

Rick Charnowski

Monday, May 19, 2008

No Sleep in Brooklyn

Mrs. Deece

Dubs in th club

Da vish & JR

DJ & Church


Pete & Jay

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Legends Of Style

"Underground Pop Art at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century"

Legends of Style has invited WSP to co-host the afternoon preview for this Urban Artist Showcase. This pre-show is from Noon to 5pm and is for all ages.
Suggested 5$ donation goes to the WSP skatepark fund.
So stop by the new condos at Justison Landing (catty corner from Barclays, down from the old Kahuna) and check out over 100 objects d'art from 30 artists.
$1 chances for an art deck and we're workin on a mini-skate demo too so even if you only have a couple bucks, come on down and check it out.
(see attached flyer)

The main event/party is for ages 18+, doors open at 7, w/ music guests;
Kon and Amir. Tix for that are reduced price until day of show which are $20.

Randoms @ Downtime

It's been nice and quiet here in New Jersey, sort of. I've been home for a bit and catching up on work, writings and getting ready for a busy week in New York.

Since about everything I own is getting fixed, including my camera, I have spent the past few days playing sniper online and grabbing some pics that have some sort of meaning to me.
So here, in no particular order, are some of my faves.

Cat Power has been in heavy rotation at my house and office for months. I came across this pic taken by skateboard photographer, Patrick O'dell. I love when two seemingly seperate parts of my life come together.

I am a huge fan of Jeremy Fish's art and also a big fan of red wine. Kinda cool to see a pic combining the both of them, taken by Rick Marr, in Rome.

'Escort' Taken By Rick Marr

Rachel Clark @ Alexander Wang... Just because.